{ before & after }

Here are some pics of our first flip.

BEFORE- the lounge


AFTER: the lounge.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset image5

BEFORE: dining room

. before 9

AFTER:  dining room.

image12 image6

BEFORE: main bedroom.

image7 copy 2

AFTER: main bedroom.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset after main room

BEFORE: main bedrooms bathroom.

before bathroom

AFTER: main bedrooms bathroom.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset image7 copy image8 copy

BEFORE: the kitchen

. before 1 before 4

AFTER: the kitchen.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset after kitchen

BFORE: the deck

image10 copy image7

AFTER: the deck

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset after

A few more pics of the apartment that were taken after the flip was done. Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset image11 image6 copy Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Lastly, a 180 degree view of the ocean. From the minute you step foot into the apartment you are faced with this beauty below.

image9 copy 2

A few details about this apartment: 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Dining room Lounge 180 degree view of the ocean Deck Union 3 furniture For any inquires please contact me at warrenblakeman@gmail.com

{ the beginning }

Hi there…

There was an idea, an idea to flip property for profit.

Firstly, it took is 3 months to find something we thought was worth the time & money. We bought it in August 2014 & got the keys in October 2014. We thought we would be there for two months but we were wrong. December came & we were in over our head. Under certain circumstances we left for a 3 week holiday & start again in the new year. January 2015 came very quickly. We were not where we expected to be, lots of all nighters & many weekends went by.

Mid February came and the finished line was in sight. End of Feb, we went shopping for the furniture at Union 3, then the place came alive. We made it our own & finished it off with some champagne over looking the most exquisite view, of the ocean.

Below are some pictures of BEFORE & AFTER.